
Black clouds

M y summer holidays are not off to a good start. Spending my summer vacations stuck at home was definitely not my plan. So now we have a plot twist!...No, not amusing at all! As days roll by, so do big black clouds. It starts to rain often and this is not a good sign. Despite how much I like rain this is totally the wrong time for rain. I am sure you know why, of course, the virus survives in lower-temperature  and gets killed by sunlight ... blah blah blah! I am sure that 10 years from now, students will be studying the Coronavirus pandemic in history class! I can probably narrate a slightly spiced up version of my experience to the next generation, I am sure that they will be stunned! To beat the boredom I watched this movie called Onward. I have to say it was pretty good. It is about how a planet used to be full of magic, but the magic faded away and the planet became modern. In the midst of all this, there is a boy(Ian)who had lost his father before he was born. With the help of so

Why am I not here? (part2)

T hat night we had a stargazing session where we also admired the beauty of the moon and Venus using powerful telescopes. At  Agastya,  they also have a planetarium with a dome-shaped ceiling on which a documentary on space exploration was screened for us to watch. It was a pain to look at the ceiling for so long, but in the end, it was totally worth it. There also was a moving model of all the planets in our solar system which showed the speeds of the rotation and revolution of the planets. It was quite a fascinating experience. After that, we called it a day and went to bed. We had bunk beds in our room which made it a lot better. I slept on the upper bunk. I lay in bed thinking about what would unravel tomorrow! We woke up kind of early the next day. We were told that we were going to have a small walk and then a scavenger hunt! On our walk, we saw some interesting plants and butterflies. We then reached a park, full of various peculiar shrubs and trees. We were given clues that led

Why am I not here?

I woke up one morning to find birds chirping outside my balcony. For a city like Bangalore this is quite unusual and surprising! I am quite used to bird calls at school but bird calls in Bangalore is a completely different mystery, or is it? Actually it is quite simple. Due to the lock down no one is outside driving a vehicle. For a change Bangalore has attracted some birds (not counting pigeons). Speaking of birds, every day an enormous flock of pigeons gather around the swimming pool and enjoy life there. They drink to their heart's content and fly away, only to return a short while after and quench their thirst. I have been doing this really fun thing recently. I was gifted this clay whistle which makes the sound a normal whistle makes. However ,when you fill it with water, it sound like the chirping of birds. People turn their heads my way when I blow it in my balcony! The whistle is also really cool because it looks like a bird! While I was folding the clothes I recalled my s


I  sat on a stool in the balcony as the melody of music filled my ears. I was watering the plants but I was too lazy to bend, so I got myself a stool. As I watered the plants I started to think. I was supposed to start wiping all the furniture next! Due to Coronavirus,  helpers were not allowed in, which meant that we had to do a lot of chores here and there. With my ninth grade coming up I will be taking the next big step, the step into senior school. Maybe our school reopening might get postponed. It might sound great to you fellow reader but it is not the same case for me. Our school is a boarding school situated in the middle of the Horsley Hills range in  Andhra Pradesh . It is possibly the safest place to be in during times like these and... "Vedang! You need to start dusting!", the words came from my mother. As I dusted the chair in my room, I realised how filthy my room was becoming. With this going on, we will soon die of exhaustion. Recently PM Narendra Modi announc

Corona cure karo na!

C oronavirus, a recent pandemic, has pretty much ruined my summer vacations. Why? Why my summer vacations? When we got to know that our school was closing down early, everyone cheered and hooted! Now instead of normal summer vacation, I have 3 MONTHS of summer holidays! Now, comes the bad part. I can't do ANYTHING outside! I can't swim, I can't play basketball, NOTHING! Even though I have 3 months of vacations, it's not going to be all that fun. I am just hoping that scientists find a cure soon because the swimming pool awaits me!    Lucky for me, my cousin brother has come over to our house. He will probably be with me for two months. Now I have a partner in crime (even though we aren't the criminals). Due to the Coronavirus, they also suspended the NBA playoffs, so now I can't even watch basketball! To keep myself occupied I invented an alternate way of playing basketball. Surprisingly there is no ring involved. Using a pilates ball, the player is supposed to